There are no words to describe the emotions that fill your heart and soul when you find out that you are pregnant. That feeling, “I am carrying a life in my womb”, could never be replaced by any heavenly happiness. You will be overwhelmed and flying in the air. Will you be startled if I pull you back to the real world and say, “You may be carrying twins”? Now, you shouldn’t get mad at me! A twin pregnancy can happen to anyone! Few interesting factors can increase your chances of having twins. Some of your early pregnancy symptoms can also signal you about your twin pregnancy.
*Everything discussed in this post is simply for a prophecy and not actual medical advice. You can read our Disclaimer page for more details.
The Joy of Having Twins
If you become a Twin Mom, you will indeed become a celebrity! Wherever you go, people will look at you differently and even interview you.
The fact is everyone likes to watch twins. They feel intrigued to know about the twin bonding, their routines, habits and lifestyle. And twins carry a sense of excitement and attention around them all the time.
So it’s natural for a twin mom to get showered with questions about her twins.
However, raising twins is not an easy job. Your mind and physique should run behind your twins to cope with their never-ending needs. You should turn into a super mom to parent your super babies. You can check out this post to assimilate what I mean.
Now let’s forget these pains of parenting twins. Despite all the clumsiness and exhaustion, having twins is adorable. As a mother of twins, you will reside in a magical world.
You will get to watch and pursue the beauty of God’s creation in a pair. You will relish every moment of your life by watching the enthralling bond between your twins.
So who wouldn’t want to be a Twin Mom? Come, let’s check out your chances of having twins!
Chances of Having Twins
Twin pregnancy is possible in any of the below scenarios.
- Having a family history of twins.
- Undergoing Fertility treatments or Assisted conception.
- Having other influencing factors.
Let’s dig them in detail.

Family History of Twins
The chances of having twins naturally increase if you have a maternal history of twins. If you or your mother or grandmother have given birth to twins or you yourselves are one of the fraternal twins, then there is a fair chance for you to be pregnant with twins.
Twin pregnancy predominantly depends on the maternal side, no matter whether your partner’s side has ever had twin babies.
Fertility Treatment or Assisted Conception
If you are undergoing fertility treatment or embracing an assisted conception like IUI, IVF or ICSI, then you may be taking several medicines to increase your FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone). High FSH, in turn, will increase your ovulation and raise your chances of having twins or even multiples.
Other Influencing Factors
Other factors can also control and boost your chances of having twins. I have mentioned a few of them below.
Maternal Age:
If you are an older mom-to-be (more than 35 years of age), you have a good chance of carrying twins. Many researchers suggest that women conceiving after 35 years of age may produce more FSH and generate more than one egg per month.
Prior Pregnancies:
If you have given birth to fraternal twins before, chances are there for you to conceive with twins again. Also, if you have had more pregnancies (like four or more) and got pregnant very easy, you can anticipate a twin conception. A high ovulation rate could foster the possibility of your twin pregnancy.
Race and Demographic conditions:
Studies reveal that Africans have a high possibility of delivering twins. Especially Nigerian women have the highest twin pregnancy rate.
Along with race, the demographic conditions and the food we consume also contribute to the possibility of twin conception. For example, a Nigerian woman living in a different culture and not based out of Nigeria may have a lesser chance to conceive with twins than if she had been living in Nigeria.
Your Physique:
Taller women or overweight women may have higher odds of twin pregnancy. If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is greater than 30, or you are taller than an average female, then you might become a twin mom. The IGF (Insulin-like Growth Factor) could be higher in these women and increase their ovulation rate.
So these are some probable reasons that may get you pregnant with twins. But nature can make you a twin mom even without any of these conditions!! It’s a blessing!
Recommended : 9 Most Common Twin Pregnancy Complications
Early Symptoms Hinting Twin Pregnancy
In addition to the above-discussed reasons, some early pregnancy symptoms may also signal you about having twins. Though not always, still the below symptoms may at times indicate your twin pregnancy.
- Very positive or too early home pregnancy test result.
- Extreme morning sickness.
- Very high HCG levels (pregnancy hormone).
- Frequent urination.
- Intense mood swings.
- Speedy weight gain.
- Double heartbeat heard around eight weeks – A definite symptom.
Except for the double heartbeat, all other symptoms can occur in moms carrying a single fetus as well. There is only one thing that can precisely confirm your prediction and, it is the Ultrasound Scan.
After all, we are always excited about the baby or babies we will have and would love to predict any detail about them. We will have an uncontrollable imagination of our future kids.
We will be too exuberant of the MIRACLE that is going to happen. And you know,
Miracles some times come in PAIRS
Are you a twin mom or pregnant with twins? Did you predict them earlier? Which factors helped you to suspect about a Twin Pregnancy? Share your valuable experience in the comments section and support our fellow mom-to-be friends.
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Image credits: Main Image by RebeccaVC1 via / CC BY-ND
A new baby is so overwhelming. Two at a time would be a challenge. I’ve thought it might be nice to get a two for one deal out of pregnancy though (I do not enjoy pregnancy) but I suppose the pregnancy itself is harder. Interesting post for sure!
You are right Elizabeth! Twin pregnancy is certainly harder and can pose several complications. But once the little joys are in your hand you will forget all the pain!
I always thought twins would be so much fun! We did IVF for my son so I kept hoping but he was determined to be a one and only 🙂
Guess he is giving you all that double joy of having twins 🙂
WOW! I’m pregnant with #3 (only one in my belly!) but my friend would joke that I would be having twins! I didn’t even realize how simple… common… easily? twins can happen! I do not have twins, but I have a friend who had a son, got pregnant with twins, then got pregnant with twins again! No twins ran in her family, I suppose she was just extremely fertile!
Lol 🙂 She should be and I wonder how she is swirling around and caring for those Five little ones.. Incredible mom!!
My ex had a history of twins in her family. I knew that the possibility of having them were increased. I’m glad we didn’t though. One was hard enough for us.
I get it. But your one little tot should be pouring all that love for you!!:)
Twins run in my husband’s family and I remember being so scared that the nurse was going to tell me I was having twins. I’m not sure I could cope. I have so much respect for women who have multiples!
Thank u Becca! It’s extraordinarily strenuous to raise twins. But it’s still worth enough considering the twin love 🙂
So cool. My husband wanted twins when we’re expecting, so it definitely was our fantasy 😋
Oh yeah! Twins are always lovely and adorable!
lol I used to want twins but if it takes having four or more kids first I think I’ll passssss!
So informative!! I don’t know how twin moms do it! I have 5 kids, four of which are 1 year apart and i just could not imagine having two infants at the same time!
Managing twins is strenuous. But you should be feeling equally and even more challenged to handle five kids. Great mama!!
I think it would be kinda fun to have twins. I would obviously adore my babies. I haven’t experienced the reality of double the work though!
Yes Katie! It will be truly amazing but with double the work at least in the early stages!!
I am pregnant with twin right now, and it was definitely a shock! Twins are not present on either side. I laughed when I read about the early positive test tho, not because it was wrong or anything, simply because we had two negative tests and did not get a positive result until almost 21 weeks! No one knows why! Didn’t find out it was twins for a few weeks after that. Also, I was on the depo shot for five years before this so I don’t even know how we got pregnant NVM with twins! We are just counting them as miracle children! Btw..we already have four kids!😵 Three boys and a girl, with two more boys on the way! Luckily the other kids are older! Two oldest turn 16 and 11 soon there’s a 7yo in the middle and our youngest (and only girl!) just turned 5! This pregnancy is definitely way different than the rest, no doubt about it, the sickness has been awful, I have no appetite and I’m Soo tired so much earlier! (26w now). I was intrigued by the fact that u mentioned being tall as a possible factor, because although I have fairly tall women in my family (5’8-5’11) I am the only one who is especially tall for no apparent reason (I’m almost 6’3). This is something really cool for me to look into or even just think about. It would make absolute sense tho that whatever made me extra tall could have something to do with my conceiving twins! Wish us luck!😎😊
Hi Tiffany! U r having an incredible parenting journey (four + two on the way, I am jealous of u now LoL :)) and I am certainly awestruck. Am definitely sure that you are going to be a wonderful twin mom. I would like to convey my best wishes to u and ur family!! And You are right, sometimes it is totally strange ‘How on earth did I conceive with Twins?’. What I have listed are some of the scientific reasons for twin pregnancy. But believe me getting pregnant with twins is certainly a GIFT straight from God. And I am so happy that u r one among them. Happy Twin Parenting!! After settling down with twins you can share ur experience of raising twins with our fellow twin parents through our ‘Meet the Twin Moms’ section. I will be so glad to feature you. 🙂
I had twin girls 19 years ago, I also had a son 3 years older. Pregnancies both the same, no morning sickness or huge weight gain (14lb first time 28lb with twins). First my husband and I knew it was twins was at first scan at 20 weeks! (Live in UK) That was a shock. Only thing I had slightly different were the odd palpitation, but once I found it was twins and I slowed down they stopped.
Seriously!! At least now a days we find it out so quickly. Identifying it to be twins in twenty weeks would have been an incredibly huge surprise for u!!
nice written
Thank You!