Who Made Me a Blogger and What Blogging Has Done to Me? 20

Twins & Me is celebrating its First Blogiversary. Read what the author has to say about commencing her blogging journey & the path she has traveled so far.

And then it happened! Today, I successfully reached that first year which I never thought I would land up at. Twins & Me is celebrating its First Blogiversary. This is the day when I named this brainchild as “TwinsandMe” and acquired all the rights to own it. This is the day which characterized me as a writer, a side of me which not many was aware of.

From the last four years, I have been experiencing the most blissful part of my life, Motherhood. Being a mother has brought incredible changes in me.  I forgot all about ME and was utterly engrossed in caring and nurturing my tiny kittens. Their first 4 years were like an intricate mission. They had a delicate infancy, cheerful toddlerhood and euphoric preschooling. Life was rapturous and insanely busy.

Who made me a Blogger?

Then there came that one day when my kids made me halt from the unvarying routine and think.

I was watching them pretend and play. They were enacting that typical Mom and Dad piece. I was taken aback when they defined the role of a mommy – cooking, doing laundry, taking care of the kids and stays at home. Whereas Papa works on the laptop, goes out for office and knew lot many things. The kids weren’t judgemental. After all, they were recreating the daily scenes at home. They have never seen mama going to the office or working which she used to do before they came into her life. 

But soon the little minds may get tainted by the common mindset about a stay at home mom. Oh! She does nothing productive. And I certainly wanted my boys to respect and care for every woman who is part of their life. It stimulated my thoughts. 

My kids have started to perceive the real world through their tiny world – Home. This is the moment I have to initiate the right notions and induce their reasoning. I had a small pep talk with them expounding the roles in a family, importance of every role and how we should respect each other’s work whether it is professional or constrained to home. I was not sure if they were able to grasp it but was elated when they lectured their dad not missing a single detail that mommy pronounced.

The Trigger to Blogging

This episode conclusively had a huge impact on me. I craved to do something other than my mommy routine and desired to please the aspirant in me who was descended and forgotten. I didn’t want to stay away from home and yet do a meaningful work. There were a lot of things which I tried and nothing had the good hold. And then on one good day, I stepped onto the blogging idea.

Twins & Me is celebrating its First Blogiversary. Read what the author has to say about commencing her blogging journey & the path she has traveled so far.

After giving some serious thoughts and strong motivation from my family, I started this blog on June 2, 2016. Initially, I didn’t have many goals or milestones. The only goal was to deliver some useful content and the investment was my time and effort. I stole the nap and sleep times of my kids to pen down my thoughts with uttermost dedication. There were many sleepless nights and tiresome days constantly urging me to give up.

But I didn’t. There were two things which keep me going until now – my love for writing and the response I received from my readers. I am not sure if I have reached the predefined milestones for one year, but I am certainly happy with all these I was able to achieve in my first year.

528 Twitter Followers

240 Facebook Followers

335 Followers in Pinterest

280 Followers in Instagram (started an Insta account only in March)

79 Email Subscribers

Ranked 16 in the Top 80 Twins Blogs all over the World

Listed in The Directory of Best Indian Blogs for the Year 2017

Written articles for Other Publishers

This is not the end and there is a lot more to accomplish.

What Blogging has done to Me?

Before one year, though I felt complete as a Mom, the zealous woman in me was feeling incomplete. Blogging has fulfilled my aspirations and thirst for an eminent career. That one thought at least a single person is finding value from my post urges me to push that publish button every time. So far I didn’t make even a meager amount of money from this. But that doesn’t stop me from writing. 

Writing is an art where you can touch millions of heart with your Pen and Paper, in my case with a Keyboard and Computer. LoL 🙂

Goals for Next Year

The few things which I have on my bucket list for the next year are these.

  • Publish articles relevant to raising twins, motherhood and parenting on a more regular basis.
  • Feature diverse twin moms from all over the world representing mixed cultures in Meet the Twin Moms series and create an astounding and supportive Twin Mom Community.
  • Establish a Knowledge Base for Twin Moms.
  • Invite experts from various fields to the Expert Corner to present their professional advice which can simplify the incredible parenting journey.
  • Widen the Healthy Food Corner with more and more healthy and yummy recipes.
  • Augment my reach and interact with a varied community of readers by collaborating with other publishers.

I want to limit it here and believe I can execute few more ideas if I can effectively utilize my kids’ school time and all things fall into place.

How can I leave without a note of Appreciation?

My heartfelt gratitude to all my readers for enjoying even my most lame and quirkiest posts. Without each one of you, my blogging will go meaningless.

It will be unfair if I am not thanking my beloved family without whom this dream wouldn’t have come true. Love you Mom, Dad, Bro, my Sweetheart and my in-laws for believing in me and uplifting me every time I get low.

Did you think I forgot to utter my appreciation to a couple of significant personalities? How will I?

I started this blog for them and because of them. Without their support and co-operation can you think I can even touch my laptop? Nah!! They are such adorable darlings who accepted this transformation in mommy with a graceful heart. They didn’t throw a tantrum when I had to cut short their play time with me and sit with a laptop. Nowadays, they even become my designers and instruct me in editing my blog images. 

And I should tell this, they made an amendment to their pretend and play now. Amidst cooking and doing all the chores mommy has now started to work with her laptop. After all, this Pretend and Play is what has made me a blogger today. So the biggest Thank you goes to my cute little kittens!! You twinnies are my driving force forever.

It’s Your Turn

Thank you, dear readers, for staying until the end. Your endearment to read urges me to blog more.

Now I would love to hear from you. 

What do you like the most about Twins & Me and what do you expect in future?

Please pen down your thoughts in the comments section.

About Janani Viswanathan

Janani Viswanathan, is a proud stay @ home mom of twin boys and an ex-software professional. She rejoices her motherhood and spreads the happiness by sharing her experience in raising twin kids. She loves to explore the world of parenting and discover numerous ways to bring up emotionally and physically strong children. If she isn't blogging, then you can presume that her little ones are keeping their mom busy.

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