We first make our habits and then our habits make us. Habits have an incredible influence on one’s personality. Yes, Habits can make or break our kids. To establish a strong foundation for your child’s propitious future, it is essential to inculcate good habits at a very young age. Here I will put forward the 3 most helpful habits that will support your kids in their adult life.
Inculcating Helpful Habits in Kids
Experts stratify habits in multiple ways. One such classification is this –
- Physical Habits
- Cognitive Habits
- Character Oriented Habits
Let’s explore each of them in detail. Also, I will be projecting one valuable habit from each category that will benefit your child.
Physical Habits
Physical habits include motor habits like sitting or standing or running or walking postures, eating habits which will impact their body, workouts which will scale up their physique, sleep patterns, brushing habits and basically every routine that will affect your kids’ body.
Helpful Habits 1: Daily Workouts
This is one of the best physical habits you can inhibit in your child to develop a firm and robust body with a fresh mind. Workouts can be of any form like doing exercise, yoga, running, dancercise, gymnastics, playing a consistent sport or any kind of physical training.
In this era of gadgets and digitization, it is very hard to pull kids outdoor and make them play. So teach the importance of daily workouts to your kids. Motivate them to pursue this vital habit which will keep them fit and healthy throughout their life.
Cognitive Habits
Cognitive habits will set their mind in motion and boost their rational, analytical, logical, psychological and other intellectual abilities. The development of a child’s brain is the base for all his behavioural and learning skills. Hence, it is imperative to keep your child’s mind active with a regular cognitive habit. Through such habits, you can refine their social skills, concentration, focus, reasoning and decision-making abilities.
Helpful Habits 2: Reading
Reading is not only a hobby to relish but a constructive habit which presents numerous benefits. When children read on a habitual basis, they absorb new things, become creative, explore with curiosity and learn how to keep calm or relax their minds.
Reading improves their vocabulary, stimulates their brain function, reduces stress, activates critical thinking and enhances their memory. Inspire your child to read a book or at the least, a chapter of a book every day. If he is still young, make sure you read to him daily.
One of the best ways to stimulate reading is to set up a mini-library for your kid and flood it up with many amusing and good reads. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to inculcate this fertile habit in your kid.
Character-oriented Habits
Habits turn into character. A child brought up with character-oriented habits turns out to be a perfect gentleman. Sharing, patience, gratitude, helping tendency, being responsible, generous, kind, grateful, and appreciative are some of the helpful habits you can teach your child.
Helpful Habits 3: Being Independent
Bringing up a sense of self-reliance at a much younger age will be the best gift that you can give your child. You can achieve this by letting your child do some fundamental everyday tasks pertaining to their age.
To quote a few, let him choose his clothes and dress up on his own, stop feeding and let him eat, let him clean up his toys and arrange his shelves, let him pack his lunch, let him help you with cooking and laundry.
All he will need from you is enormous patience, and a relaxed mind to help him get better each day. You will watch your kid enjoy a sense of achievement and start believing in himself. Your little champ will be ready to take over the world all alone.
Motivation gets you going and habits get you there.
– Jim Rhon
So, sow these helpful habits in your kids and they will reap the benefits in future.
What other helpful habits have you encouraged in your kids? Please share in the comments section. Also if you found this post useful please go ahead and share it with your friends and family.
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Image Credits: Main Image by Alex Green from Pexels
* This article was originally written by me for the Babyonboard website.