Until now you have been enjoying the journey of mothers in parenting their twins at Twins and Me. This indeed is the knowledge gained through experience. I felt adding some factual, expertise content with professional touch will support the visitors in an extraordinary way. And this thought has created an exclusive EXPERT CORNER at Twins and Me.
What is in store at Expert Corner?

Image : Expert Advice
Expert Corner aims at providing professional assistance to parents in bringing up their children at different stages of life. It is not restricted to twin parenting and hence will be informative for all the parents.
This section will have quality advice from well-skilled masters themselves. I am reaching out to experts who are specialized in dealing with infants, toddlers or kids in their respective areas of prowess to pen down their opinion and guidance at Twins and Me.
You can also interact with the specialists through the comments section under each post. Submit your queries and they will respond to you as early as possible.
Please click on the relevant section.
Kids Oral Hygiene and Care
Dr. Uma Maheswari N, a proficient Pediatric Dentist is here to guide you in inducing good oral habits in children. She will be publishing a series of posts which will help you in fighting the challenges related to your child’s oral health.
Oral hygiene is one important theory which needs to be cultivated in children at a very early age. It is a complex but significant factor which will be challenging in today’s world of junk, sugary and low nutritious food.
Kids of this generation are exposed to more bad food rather than nutrient-rich healthy eatables. With the unruly nature of today’s kids, it is becoming very difficult to care for their little teeth. You couldn’t hide them from bad food nor could you make them to brush perfectly. This will eventually spoil their oral health.
Read our expert’s tips and advise to urge good oral hygiene in your children.
Infant and Child Skin Care
Dr. Uma Manikandan, an accomplished Dermatologist will be providing deeper insights into Infant and Child Skin Care. She will be interacting with you through various articles which will address the very common and perturbing queries about skin care in babies and younger children.
Right from the day, a baby is born, the mother is always worried about caring for her little one’s sensitive skin. Which cream to use for a dry skin or how to avoid diaper rashes or whether soap or a body wash is good for the baby and so many other queries pop up before every new mother.
At one point or the other, we all have felt anxious about either a rash or a boil or allergy or skin tags on our tiny tot’s body, wondering if it is something serious or a common skin problem. And we remain perplexed not knowing what to do about those changes in our baby’s skin.
Perceiving the basics about infant’s skin and tips for a good child skin care will be very beneficial. Also learning how to take care of minor skin problems and recognizing skin issues which are a cause of concern will relieve the parents from a lot of stress and worry.
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and read our expert’s skin care tips and ideas for a healthy and happier baby skin.
All about Breastfeeding
Dr Hema Malathi Aravind, a well experienced and knowledgeable family physician will be deciphering the significance of breastfeeding and provide meticulous ways to tackle the challenges that you face in breastfeeding your baby. She will assist you to enjoy this incredible boon of breastfeeding along with your little one.
Long ago, breast milk was the only source of nutrition for the newborn babies. There simply wasn’t any alternative available nor were the mothers looking for one. Even today, no one has ever invented a precise substitute for breast milk. Breast milk has some exceptional ingredients which are not lucid to replicate.
But the scientific world has brought in many supplementary items like formula which is marketed to be the best alternative for breast milk. Babies can rely on formula for their nourishment only when breastfeeding is totally impossible or out of question. But with the so-called alternative for breastmilk present before us, we the today’s mothers are easily inclined to it with the smallest of impossibility or with a bewildered mind that our baby is not getting enough.
Unlike yesteryears, nature’s food for our babies (breast milk) is being made as a choice these days. To interpret the importance of breastmilk and shatter the hindrances that are stopping you from breastfeeding, there are many hidden facts which we need to decode and discern.
Now it’s time to check out our expert’s articles. Enjoy, support and help your little one receive the benefits of breastfeeding.
Cardiac Health in Women and Children
Dr R Aravind Kumar, a skilled physician who is pursuing his doctorate in cardiology will be dispensing his incredible knowledge to create awareness on the Cardiac Health in Women and Children. He will be discussing the various Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD), how they can be prevented, diagnosed and treated earlier.
The average heart will be of the size of a fist in an adult. In spite of its size, the heart works 24 x 7 to pump the oxygen-enriched blood throughout our body. When the heart ceases to work everything ends. So it becomes significant to protect our heart from any kind of damage.
There is often a misconception that men are more prone to heart diseases. But the truth is women are equally susceptible to CVD. There is a lack of awareness in women that they too can be at a risk for heart ailments.
Similarly, we think of CVD only as we get older. With this fast swirling world that is occupied by junk foods, digitalization and everything that could easily make a person unhealthy, CVD can occur at any age. So we need to educate the kids about the seriousness of Heart Health and how to lead a healthy life for a healthy heart.
Follow our expert’s articles to know about the different cardiovascular diseases, how they can be prevented and how to keep your heart healthy.
Image credits: Main image by braunkarljr2002 via Compfight cc ; Expert advice by EmilysQuotes via Compfight cc ; Kids oral health by bvpicsam via Compfight cc ; Cardiac Health in Women and Children by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels